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Millions of Americans are mobilizing to protect our Democracy with shared goals of:
Opposing Trump's / GOP's anti-American agenda and restoring and strengthening our Democracy to prevent further degeneration of our Democracy and protect American from future Trumpian politicians from being elected
By actively engaging in our Democracy - we also reclaim our Democracy and our rightful Flag as we demonstrate and promote and demonstrate the ideals represented in the Flag of Liberty and Justice for ALL.
American Flags are useful to demonstrate, promote and identify with American Democracy, civil rights causes and movements. Our Flag is the "Flag of Flags" - embraced by generations of patriots that promote liberty and justice for all.
As you actively support and fight for any of the causes listed below you are also embodying values of a Patriot
and are reclaiming our Democracy and our Flag:
voters rights
economic/income equality
racial/ethnic/religious tolerance
rational foreign policy/international relations
"Climate change"/ environmentalism
immigrant rights
reproductive rights
quality healthcare for all
LGBTQ rights
education and teaching
a minimum wage
worker's rights
media accuracy
nuclear proliferation
increased civic engagement
(list in no particular order)
and ALL other moral democratic causes that embody the tenets of the Flag - Liberty and Justice for all.
OR if you actively engage AGAINST:
privatization of public lands and resources
destruction of American Institutions and norms
If you believe in Liberty and Justice for all and are opposed to Trump, Trumpism and the GOP's anti-American agenda - you are an American Patriot and THIS is your YOUR Flag:
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