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Right Wing Extremists Realize and Utilize

the Visual Power of the Flag



Extremists emphasize and invoke the broad power of Our Flag - observe how different the image/even it with our Flag removed. (Images are lower on the page in still form).                                 

Every American has the right to bestow his/her own values on our Flag - but we of ReclaimOurFlag - emphasize that our Flag represents our imperfect union, all 50 States, and a Government of the People by the People and for the People with "liberty and justice for all". However, extremists have long recognized and have wholly embraced the American Flag's power to engage Americans on an emotional level and to co-opt it's power to brand their narrow often un-American agendas - specifically to use it to define their values as "patriotic". One of the reasons our Flag was surrendered / ceded to extremists groups is these groups effectively claimed they were acting on behalf of and for entire Nation (a higher authority) while masking Nationalism and prejudice as Patriotism. Their abundant use of our Flag has empowered/empowers them and from which they derive/d and justify/ied their rights to racism, sexism and prejudice. Our goal is to reclaim these conscious and unconscious patriotic perception of our flag as we go forward strengthening by democratic engagement.


We who fight for liberty and justice for all - are true Patriots - as we love this country and strive to make it greater and a more perfect inclusive union, using our Flag to unify and expand inclusivity in our Democracy; whereas extremists groups, the modern GOP - use our Flag often for exclusivity.


Extremists often use large numbers and large size American Flags at their Demonstration.

Examples of the power of our Flag when used by Right Wing Extremists.

Compare the emotions and reactions with the original 

photo and the one edited with our Flag removed.

KKK Demonstration in Washington, DC ~1925 (Actual photo)                                                  Edited photo


Open Carry Rally, TX (actual photo)


KKK Demonstration in Washington, DC ~1925 (Actual photo)                                                


Edited photo

"Open-Carry" Parking lot Pro-Gun rally Dallas, TX 11/09/2013 (Actual photo)                      

KKK Rally Anaheim,CA 2/27/2016 (Actual photo)                                                                    


KKK Rally Anaheim,CA 2/27/2016 (Actual photo)                                                                   


"Open-Carry" Pro-Gun rally Romulus, MI 4/27/2014 (Actual photo)                                         


Anti-Federal Goverment Protest Burns, OR 1/02/2016 (Actual photo)                                     


KKK demonstrator (actual photo)                                                                                              


"Soiling Old Glory" anti-busing protest 4/5/1975 Boston, MA (actual photo)                           


(Photo: Stanley J. Forman)

A boy and his Flag, Civil Rights protest, Jackson, MS 6/17/1965 (actual photo)        


(Photo: Matt Heron)

Neo-Nazi demonstration Los Angeles, 4/17/2010 (NSM)  (actual photo)                               


Edited photo

Edited photo

Edited photo

Edited photo

Edited photo

Edited photo

Edited photo

Edited photo

Edited photo

The Power of the Flag

These are samples of the power of the Flag - to both the holder and the observer.

Did you feel a difference in how your reacted to the photos once the Flag was removed? 

Did you notice how the Flag magnified peoples emotions in those events?


The Flag empowers those who claim it and recognize it's potential. There are millions of Americans - the majority - who are undecided and uncommitted whether to become more engaged in our Democracy; some will make their decisions on what they see and "feel". Many are watching what images and ideas they can identify with - before becoming engaged. Those of us engaged in activism are saving and strengthening our Democracy and striving for Liberty and Justice for all - we are actively reclaiming our Flag. We want and need others to identify and join us - as they will be essential for our efforts to be successful. 

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